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What does Sell/Long and Buy/Short mean in crypto?
What does Sell/Long and Buy/Short mean in crypto?
Hugo avatar
Written by Hugo
Updated over 2 months ago

Web Version

Buy/Long - Sell/Short

When an investor wants to trade cryptocurrencies, he uses an exchange to operate short or long. That is, you will go for Long if you think the price of a crypto asset will go up and short if you think the value will go down. A short and a long position are two of the ways to obtain profitability when trading. Basically, the goal is to buy low and sell high, or sell high and buy low again.

What does it mean to sell short?

Sell/Short is a transaction in which you borrow securities to sell at the current price, with the aim of repurchasing them later at a lower price and earning the difference as a profit.

What does Buy/Long mean?

Buy/Long is when you buy at a low price and then sell at a higher price to take the difference as a profit. 

App Version

Remember, Sell/Short is a transaction in which you borrow securities to sell at the current price, with the aim of repurchasing them later at a lower price and earning the difference as a profit.

Remember, Buy/Long is when you buy at a low price and then sell at a higher price to take the difference as a profit. 

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