Hello, dear Trader! 🛒 If you're considering using the TruBit Card for your purchases, we highly recommend that you carefully review the following information. 🧐
This way, you can ensure that your purchasing process goes smoothly without any unpleasant surprises. ✅💳 We're here to assist you every step of the way! 👍😊
Purchases with a Virtual Card
Make Sure to Unfreeze Your TruBit Card
Once your TruBit Card is unfrozen, go to the Details option.
Within the Details option, you can review:
Card Number
Expiration Date
Dynamic CVV: Please remember that it expires within the next 2 minutes, so if you take longer to complete the payment, you will need to generate another CVV within the same Details option.
💡 Recommendation 💡
It is crucial to consider the fluctuations in the value per unit of the cryptocurrency you plan to use. Our recommendation is to have a balance greater than the amount you want to pay. This way, you will also avoid possible rejections due to insufficient funds. 💰💡📈
If you have questions regarding this information, please contact the TruBit Team via our chat channel or email us HERE and we'll be in touch!